Saturday, July 9, 2011

What a Deal!

I just got back from Target where I got to do the first of my art supply shopping.  I always get so excited at this time of year.  I normally buy all my supplies from Blick and Oriental Trading.  Oriental Trading might be surprising, but it often carries name brands on the typical items like markers, but costs a lot less.  Well I scored big today.  I found that Target has Crayola 10 pack of markers for 99 cents.  I got almost all my markers for the school year for under 90 dollars.  I would have spent about 250 if I would have ordered online.  Can't wait to check out Staples penny sales tomorrow.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Exciting News!

I was recently contacted by Debrah Sickler-Voigt, a professor of art education at Middle Tennesee State University, about using our students' artwork and photos in her art education text book that is to be relased in 2013.  She found our work on our Artsonia site and thought it was a great example of quality work.  Needless to say, I am extremely proud of my students!  I can't wait to see where this goes.

A link to Dr. Sickler-Voigt's website